Our Mission
The Big Darby Accord consists of local governments within the Franklin County area of the Big Darby Creek Watershed. The mission of the Big Darby Accord is to cooperatively develop a multi-jurisdictional plan and accompanying preservation and growth strategies, capable of implementation, oversight, and enforcement, which are designed to:
Preserve, protect and improve, when possible, the Big Darby Watershed's unique ecosystem by utilizing the best available science, engineering and land use planning practices;
Promote responsible growth by taking measures to provide for adequate public services and facilities and promote a full spectrum of housing choice, as well as adequate educational, recreational, and civic opportunities, for citizens of each jurisdiction and for Central Ohio;
Create a partnership that recognizes the identity, aspirations, rights, and duties of all jurisdictions and that develops methods of cooperation among the partners through means which include the cooperative utilization of public services and facilities; and
Capitalize on the results of other efforts by considering local comprehensive plans, as well as the work of the Environmentally Sensitive Development Area External Advisory Group, the Hellbranch Watershed Forum, the 21st Century Growth Policy Team, and other local planning and zoning efforts, in the development of the plan.